Astrid : A Light Fury. Astrid blushed, knowing what she was thinking. Though, for. "Come on! We are not losing this race!" she. Hiccup turned over on his left side and tried to wrap his arm around Astrid, but felt nothing. Astrid fitcheded with the hem of her skirt. Astrid never found Hiccup at the Cove, and he can't kill a dragon. Hiccup stood up and offered a hand to Astrid. Table of Contents show Who does Astrid Hofferson marry? This wedding between Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III and Astrid Hofferson brings the two of them together and starts their marriage. Marrying Hiccup means she has to deal with something she’s quite possibly afraid of, and even without that fear, it’s a heavy burden to have. Hiccup could read that: Mine! "We'd still ride every day," Hiccup promised. Snotlout has been known for his conflict between him and Hiccup. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 24 - Words: 16,086 - Reviews: 70. They get married in the winter. There was a last round of hugs with their parents and Hiccup and Astrid were ushered inside the curtains. Chapter 3- The Return. "You may now kiss. 5K 158. Update: You can. The movie then skips ahead 10 years, showing Hiccup and Astrid getting married and eventually having children. He had a surprise for her and hopefully it would go well. Hiccup put his finger over his mouth trying to make sure Toothless would stay quiet and out of sight. I could not believe Stoick, how could he just disown Hiccup like that, does the man not have a heart. She is the rider of Stormfly, a Deadly Nadder and is Hiccup's girlfriend and eventual wife. Astrid bitch slaps Heather, and pulls her already broken arm. Pregnant Astrid Hofferson. Stoick arrange a marriage between his son, Hiccup and Astrid. 15. 19. When Hiccup saw her his jaw dropped. And again, Hiccup realizes that Johann and Krogan are one step ahead of him and struggles to catch up. But things get complicated when, two months after their wedding, Astrid discovers she's pregnant. 12 years later, Snotlout is still trying to move on, to forget his long-lost cousin. There is, however, a flashback of Astrid at age 5. The wedding ceremony itself 6. She threw it unceremoniously over the desk where he'd placed her bridal crown. He charged at Hiccup, his own dagger raised. "The movie then jumps to three months later as we witness Hiccup and Astrid get married. " Astrid reached out a hand to the dragon who slowly pushed it's snout into it. "Ok" said Hiccup, uncertain. He began trying to plan details, murmuring aloud. Hiccup remembered Astrid asking Fishlegs couple of days back to go through the old village laws scripts, looking for a loophole to get her out of this whole marriage nonsense. Hiccup and astrid married life. All around her the houses burned, and there wasn't a soul in sight, not even a dragon. "Hiccup it's okay to be nervous, it's been 4 years babe and let's be honest here you left in kind of the worst way possible. Astrid's Revenge (hiccstrid) 14. "I'm sorry I startled you. Hiccup smiles "no let's get married tomorrow, an hour after lunch. Astrid was just 8 years old, and Hiccup was 10. Taking a cautious step forward, he. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Hiccup, Astrid - Chapters: 27 - Words. . " Astrid laughed. A princess from the kingdom of Arendelle, forced to hide her powers. In my headcanon Hiccup and Astrid get married about half a year after HTTYD 2 and since they were almost 21 in that movie, they are 22 in this story. Astrid took a moment to roll her eyes before punching his shoulder. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Press Copyright Contact us CreatorsHiccup and Astrid eventually get married (in the final act of the third film) and are named chief and chieftess of Berk. So close they weren't really cousins anymore, more like brothers. Hiccstrid is the het ship between Hiccup and Astrid from the How to Train Your Dragon fandom. The honeymoon adventure Summary: In the world of How to Train Your Dragon, fans were ecstatic when Hiccup and Astrid. Nuffink Haddock is the son and second born child of Hiccup and Astrid. Today. What we've been looking for, and you want to hid it from your father. trying to get him to put her down. Stoick gave a huge sigh, gathering himself up so he could look my strait in the eye (kind of hard to do when he was so huge and I was a little on the short side). Watch popular content from the following creators: 🦋 𝑏 𝑟 𝑜 𝑜 𝑘 🦋(@disneyqueen292), Ava Leeigh(@ava_leeigh), Hiccup ️(@nxy__edits), ️🔥(@mxrgv), Sarah Zannoni(@viqueens_cosplays), Charley BURNE. 2. She is 15 years old in How to Train Your Dragon, Riders and Defenders of Berk, 18 in Dawn of the Dragon Racers, 18 and 19 in Dragons: Race to the Edge, 20 in How To Train Your. He then sat down and waited for his best friend to finish. There is no flashback of Hiccup in Riders/Defenders except a brief shot from the first film. No one objected. Astrid quickly jumped out of her and Hiccup's bed, rushing to the washroom, puking. Hiccup, Astrid, and Heather set off towards Itchy Armpit by noon. "Wait!" She looks where she hears it. askhiccup. They didn’t really get to know each other until they were both teenagers, and they started working together to help improve Hiccup’s flying skills. To love to kiss to sweetly hold. Astrid, on the other hand, has to take on the responsibility of bearing children. _. At the feast, everyone ate lamb, yak, fish, chicken, different kinds of vegetables, and drank. As far as the village. 4K 60. Snotlout sneered and grabbed Hiccup's arm. Three months after the events of 'Talking In Her Sleep', Hiccup and Astrid have settled into their married life. 4. Snotlout just got angrier about them getting married. They become parents of two children: an older daughter, Zephyr, and a younger son, Nuffink. Chapter 4- The Recovery. So I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, praying to Thor I could get there in time. What began as an unlikely friendship. A few years ago she would have broken his hand, and here she was about to marrying him. As Hiccup was taking the dragons to the academy Astrid was at home getting Hiccup's gift ready. - I found it a great read, Sousake kept the story interesting enough. hiccupxastrid. They have to wait a year before they can get married. snotlout. Dismounting his dragon, Hiccup helped his wife off hers. The saddest thing about HTTYD trilogy for me was the fact that Stoick wasn't alive for Hiccup and Astrid's wedding Well, I was rewatching HTTYD and on HTTYD 2, when I heard Stoick say "that's my future daughter in law" when Astrid won the dragon race, I came to wonder how Stoick, who was so happy for his son and daughter-in-law couldn't. 9. He's scared to screw up with her and she's furious with the situation. He is 15 years old in the first film, the first three specials, and the first TV series. I'll keep your love beside me. They saw a pair of legs hang over the edge of the rock above them, then four more sets settle next to them. Astrid made a point of getting the recipe from her hostess. She chose a random move and started to watch. Hiccup made his way into the Forge, Astrid following behind him. Stoick and Asmund were in the Haddock household waiting for Hiccup to show up, and maybe Astrid if she was with him. "Want to watch more RTTE videos? Here's a playlist :D Hiccstrid. Hiccup and Astrid get married and there kids meet Toothless and his Kids SpyCog 725 subscribers Subscribe 64K views 2 years ago DreamWorks did them self. They become parents of two children: an older daughter, Zephyr, and a younger son, Nuffink. This is Berk, it's twelve days North of hopelessness and a few days of freezing to death. Astrid was well aware that Hiccup was the chief's son. Protect Hiccup. "Hiccup. Astrid smiled at the dragon and stroked up to it's horn. On his journey, he will meet interesting characters, fall in love, fight a war and slowly rise up to one of the greatest. The minute they announced they were dating, everyone had been asking when they were getting married. She gestured her finger to Hiccup in a sexy and seducing manner. Way more intimidating than a dragon. "Hiccup!" Wrapping her arms around him, Astrid nestled against his chest. Hiccup and Toothless reunite and meet each other's kids before taking flight as a family. They're happy with each other, the gang seems to be getting along better than ever, and even Stoick can be seen smiling these days. A soon to be queen, unwillingly thrust into marriage. She sighed as she tossed fish to the two hungry reptiles before beginning to make breakfast for herself and Hiccup. Like Hiccup, Astrid was beleaguered by attendants. Astrid whispered, patting his head. Wedding Night. She is the fraternal twin of Tuffnut Thorston, whom she often argues with, sometimes to the point of physical violence, though never seriously enough to separate them for too long. " he said. " Dagur comments "I look forward to fighting Hiccup for Astrid's hand in marriage. Stoick leads them to the hall to talk. Astrid's heart and cheeks warmed further at this gesture. How to Train Your Dragon. A while later, Hiccup and Astrid get married, making them chief and chieftess. They sail to the edge of the. [after Gobber talks about the idea of Hiccup and Astrid getting married] Astrid : Not awkward at all. [about Toothless, as he is panting, slobbering. Taking her mother's advice, she decides to give friendship a shot. Married Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III/Astrid Hofferson (25) Fluff (11) Post-How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (6) Chief Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (5). They might be engaged, but it was technically forbidden for them to stay in the same bed. In the third film Tuffnut feels that it is his duty to help Hiccup out with his relationship with Astrid, and ultimately helps them get married. HTTYD has sheet music. In the official art book of How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, she is described of having her father's nervous personality, as well as. The whole family sails to the hidden world, where Toothless and Hiccup reunite and are able to introduce their children to one another. V. "Okay the others can wait you need to get this off your chest. When Hiccup ascends to become the new chief of the Hooligan Tribe, Tuffnut can be seen cheering for him. "Don't be embarrassed. " They ride Toothless back to the. Download and print free Hiccup and Astrid coloring pages. Hiccup' family. by briannakerkhof. At last, five years after HCTGB, Hiccup and Astrid are getting married. Grasping it in between her own. Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other before Astrid jumped into his arms. I looked at Hiccup and Toothless, and saw they were flying towards the cove, if I ran fast enough, maybe I could catch them and talk to Hiccup. This is to make the story a bit less spoilery and interesting and it's also a fun way to write it. A pair of green. # 11. They fly away and stuff happens (I think I remember them finding 2 boys and then adopting them as their children) leading up to them building a village I think it was called skywing (not darkwing like in the 10 years fanfiction). Oneshot! How to Train Your Dragon - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 955 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 8 - Published: Dec 17, 2012 - Hiccup, Astrid. Snotlout was mad now. "Well, not directly. "You're getting married. Hiccup and Astrid's relationship in HTTYD 2. When they get married, Hiccup holds out his hands for her to take. Together, both Hiccup and Astrid try to do right to their family names and. I made a sound slightly acknowledging him and eased back a bit. Hiccup and Astrid eventually get married (in the final act of the third film) and are named chief and chieftess of Berk. He didn't want to marry any girl for that matter. All Rights Reserved to Dreamworks"Ye're getting married?" Looking at the flushed faces of the beaming Chief and his beautiful blonde betrothed, Gobber couldn't help grinning himself. they were also helping melting and removing the ice from Berk. The room suddenly grew quiet. " The elder finally declared them married, and Astrid took off running for the Great Hall. "Hiccup we just found the dragons nest. "I know" Astrid said. Hiccup and Astrid are then moved through the original movie - This, I say, is a must read. Will Astrid and I get marrie. For the dancing and the dreaming. Astrid Hofferson collapsed onto the bed next to her fiancé Hiccup Haddock, who pulled her close and started kissing her behind her ear. That puppy dog look made her heart soften though, and for just a second a portion of the fire within Astrid died down as well.